

Capture Fundraiser + Live Auction

On May 11th, 2013 Capture Photography Festival held a Fundraiser and Live Auction to raise money for Capture 1.0. The support of the attendees was vital to ensuring Capture’s success for our inaugural year. Photographers from Vancouver and beyond generously contributed to the evening’s live auction. We would like to extend a special thank-you to … Continued

Canadian Art Write-up about Capture!

Leah Sandals from Canadian Art featured us on their website, it’s great to be getting some national recognition! “Festival director Julie Lee, who has worked as an art advisor since 1999, and has also been involved with the Drawn Festival, says something like Capture is long overdue, ‘I think there’s a collective need to see something … Continued

Vancouver Sun Stirs up Buzz for Capture

“It’s inevitable that something like this would happen because we have more photographic art stars in this town per capita that anywhere else” – Lincoln Clarkes The Vancouver Sun’s Jessica Barrett interviewed Capture’s Director Julie Lee, Street Photographer Lincoln Clarkes, and Contemporary Art Gallery Director Nigel Prince to drum up some early interest in Capture. … Continued

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