We’re flattered to be getting some international attention, the venerable London-based Monocle Magazine mentioned Capture in their Weekend Agenda with a special note about one of our most anticipated exhibitions; the new AHVA Gallery’s The Photo Show: 1969/2013 – Exploring the Photo Conceptual Archive. Read the post here!
The Globe and Mail‘s Jennifer Van Evra interviews our Director Julie Lee about Capture’s inaugural year. “The six-week fest features works by some of Vancouver’s best-known photo-based artists, including legendary street photographer Fred Herzog, the Vancouver School’s Jeff Wall and Rodney Graham, documentarian Edward Burtynsky, London-based Canadian artist Mark Lewis and local luminaries Karin Bubaš … Continued
Ed Burtynsky chats with the Georgia Straight’s Charles Campbell about the Capture and Pattison Billboard installations from his newest series Water. The article touches on “beauty, humanity, and ambiguity” in his work, proving that Burtynsky is not afraid to address critics’ concerns or praise of his work. Read it here!
Have you checked out An Evolutionary Look into Vancouver Street Photography: Foncie Pulice to the 21st Century yet? ION agrees that it’s worth a trip to the Museum of Vancouver–the show runs until January 31st, 2014. Read article here!
On October 1st, 2013, Capture 1.0 launched with the opening of An Evolutionary look into Vancouver Street Photography: Foncie Pulice into the 21st Century at the Museum of Vancouver (MOV). The evening was a complete success, with performances by the Max Zipursky Band and wines by Lamarca Prosecco. The MOV kept the Foncie’s Fotos exhibition open … Continued
Mathew Arthur’s on point description of Capture for MONTECRISTO Magazine has us blushing. We especially like his description of the Capture Curated exhibition An Evolutionary Look into Vancouver Street Photography, at the Museum of Vancouver until January 31st, 2014: “The exhibition situates photographic practice in a digital, “social” world where conceptions of privacy, technology, and self-representation are … Continued
The exhibition Another Happy Day: Found Photographs from the Collection of Jonah Samson at the Presentation House Gallery has become a hot topic for arts journalists across the country. David Barry from the National Post interviewed Samson here.
“Somebody said to me the other day, ‘You have very eclectic taste,’ and I said ‘Really? I think they’re all the same picture,’” (Jonah Samson) says, laughing. “I have a dark sensibility – I think a lot of the pictures are funny and some people may find them kind of disturbing, but I actually think … Continued