Faune Ybarra

Faune Ybarra’s project touches on her eagerness to find a sense of belonging as a diasporic artist. She was born between Oaxaca and Mexico City, and then moved to St. John’s for four years before moving to Vancouver where she now resides and works. In the process of developing her project, she coined the term “diasporic gestures”, which she describes as “actions to ground oneself to the currently inhabited land”.

Ybarra has performed, exhibited artworks, and spoken about her practice at galleries, artist-run centres, and conferences such as Universities Art Association of Canada (UAAC), ArtStarts, Eastern EdgeGallery, GrenfellArt Gallery, The Rooms Provincial Art Gallery, and Spoken Web symposium. She holds a BFA in Visual Arts from Memorial University of Newfoundland, and an MFA in Interdisciplinary Studies from Simon Fraser University.

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