Ross den Otter, Make a Wish, 2019, photography and mixed media on canvas, 12.7 x 20.32 cm. Courtesy of the artist.

Ross den Otter, Make a Wish, 2019, photography and mixed media on canvas, 12.7 x 20.32 cm. Courtesy of the artist.

Artist Talk

A Touch of Hand: Alternative Processes in Photography


Please note that this event is cancelled to ensure the health and safety of our community and to flatten the curve of COVID-19.



The iPhone has both democratized and transformed photography and digital media, creating a rise in interest in traditional and historical photographic processes. Enthusiasts, artists, and professionals are seeking out and reviving historical techniques and methods. Perhaps this is a quest to bring a sense of uniqueness to the mechanical control in digital photography. What brings this group together is all four photographers produce images that have been made by hand once the lens-based images have been formed.

In conjunction with the group exhibition A Touch of Hand: Alternative Processes in Photography, four Shadbolt Centre for the Arts artists/photographers who use alternative photographic processes will present a lecture and slide presentation, offering insight into the process behind their work. There will be time after this presentation for discussion and questions from the audience.

Ed Peck will introduce the use of Scanographs, a platen-based composition technique for creating high-resolution digital images without using a camera. As well, he will describe the process from the platen composition and processing to print-making.

Phyllis Schwartz will introduce the art of creating Lumen prints directly on both fibre papers and sheet film without the use of cameras. Using natural light, the movement of the sun, and organic materials to create her images, she will describe the process from the composition, the fixing process, and transformation into digital imagery. She will also outline the options for digitizing sheet film images, post processing, enlargement techniques, and printing process.

Ross den Otter will offer insight into how he approaches the integration of other media into the photographic process. His works are a hybridization of traditional art technique, printmaking, and photographic process where he blends paint, wax, and resins with modern and historical photographic processes occasionally using homemade camera.

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