Maria Michopulu, #6, from the Bones series, 2023, archival inkjet print, 60.96 x 40.64 cm. Courtesy of the Artist.

Maria Michopulu, #6, from the Bones series, 2023, archival inkjet print, 60.96 x 40.64 cm. Courtesy of the Artist.

Artist Talk

Capture x Emily Carr University of Art + Design: Longing to See Artist Talk


Registration required
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Registration closes Thursday, April 16, 2024, 4:00PM PST

Please join us for a talk highlighting artists from Longing to See: Photography and In-Visibility, an exhibition developed collaboratively with Capture Photography Festival and Emily Carr University of Art + Design featuring students from the undergraduate photography program.

Participating students in the talk include:

Vera Bode

Andrea Bollen

Po-Hsi Huang

Julia Kerrigan

Charlie Mahoney-Volk

Paniz Mani

Maria Michopulu

Alize Tamturk

Eknoor Thind

Longing to See is an inquiry into the potentials and limits of a seemingly boundless and ubiquitous medium by a new generation of lens-based artists who address photography’s unique ability to show things as they are. These artists encourage us to feel, remember, and question what is visible and what is invisible – or unphotographable.

Curated by Birthe Piontek, Assistant Professor of Photography, Audain Faculty of Art, Emily Carr University of Art + Design.

Capture x Emily Carr is a partnership between Capture Photography Festival and the Audain Faculty of Art at Emily Carr University of Art + Design.

If you would like to make a donation to support Capture Photography Festival, please donate via our registered charitable organization Vancouver Association for Photographic Arts here. Amounts greater than $20.00 will receive a tax receipt.

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