Scott Treleaven, Untitled (Watercolour in the studio/cherry blossom at home), 2021, photo collage. Courtesy of the Artist and Cooper Cole, Toronto.

Scott Treleaven, Untitled (Watercolour in the studio/cherry blossom at home), 2021, photo collage. Courtesy of the Artist and Cooper Cole, Toronto.

Unit 17

Unit 17 specializes in Canadian and international contemporary art, focusing on artist-driven solo exhibitions and curated group exhibitions. The gallery first opened in 2017 and has since grown into a space that includes a 1500 sq ft garden, artist studios, a kitchen, covered social areas, an outdoor shower and the gallery. Unit 17 provides an alternative context and commercial model for our artists, prioritizing sculpture and installation as well as film and media. The gallery aims to position all artists’ work within a greater international context through closely developed exhibitions, residencies, publications, lectures, gallery exchanges and fairs.


Saturday & Sunday 12-5pm


The gallery is wheelchair accessible; the bathroom is not.

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