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James Nizam
Pile of Drawers (Memorandoms Series), 2010
lightjet print
60" x 48"
edition 1/5
courtesy of Gallery Jones

Capture crashes at the St. Regis Hotel!

Here at Capture, we’re very fortunate to be able to rely of the generosity of the arts community in Metro Vancouver as well as a handful of local businesses who all work hard to ensure the Festival’s success. This year, we partnered with the St. Regis Hotel, not only were they an incredibly hospitable hotel sponsor for many of the out-of-town artists, but they also let us populate their lobby with photography on loan from some of Capture’s participating galleries and local collectors. We also have Denbigh Fine Art Services to thank for their expert art handling and impeccable installation (we can assure you, working with wood panelling in no easy task!).

The pieces are getting de-installed tomorrow afternoon, but fortunately we were able to send the talented Nelson Mouëllic over last week to document the artworks in their temporary home. If you’re downtown this afternoon or tomorrow morning be sure to stop in to see the works before they’re gone for good!

Here are the photo’s Nelson grabbed in case you won’t be able to make it down in time.

Brian Howell 
Airstream #1, 2014
archival pigment print
48” x 38” 
courtesy Winsor Gallery

Brian Howell
Airstream #1, 2014
archival pigment print
48” x 38”
courtesy Winsor Gallery, photo courtesy of Nelson Mouëllic

Edward Burtynsky
Nickel Tailings #34-35 - Sudbury, Ontario, 1996
chromogenic print 
71” x 52”

Edward Burtynsky
Nickel Tailings #34-35 – Sudbury, Ontario, 1996
chromogenic print
71” x 52”
photo courtesy of Nelson Mouëllic

James Nizam
Pile of Drawers (Memorandoms Series), 2010
lightjet print
60" x 48"
edition 1/5
courtesy of Gallery Jones

James Nizam
Pile of Drawers (Memorandoms Series), 2010
lightjet print
60″ x 48″
edition 1/5
courtesy of Gallery Jones, photo courtesy of Nelson Mouëllic

Yedda Morrison
Swarm, 2009
Archival Inkjet Print
36” x 36”
courtesy of Republic Gallery and Scott McFarland
Spraying, Norman Whaley Applying Aphid Solution, 2004
digital c-print
40” x 48”

Yedda Morrison
Swarm, 2009
Archival Inkjet Print
36” x 36”
courtesy of Republic Gallery


Scott McFarland
Spraying, Norman Whaley Applying Aphid Solution, 2004
digital c-print
40” x 48”
photo courtesy of Nelson Mouëllic

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