Chris Gallagher lives in Vancouver, Canada, and makes work in photography, film, and with objects. His practice examines the philosophical paradoxes and contradictions within the gulf between what we know, what we believe, and alleged reality. His work reformulates real subjects with hypothetical theorems, often with uneasy relationships between form and content, to speculate unique positions latent within the ordinary. Known as a filmmaker for such works as Time Being, Where Is Memory, Seeing in the Rain, Terminal City, Atmosphere, and his video work with the Nine O’Clock Gun, he has amassed an archive of photographic work and continues to use the camera as a starting point in his practice. His radial pan photography was featured in the 2016 Capture Photography Festival and he is currently engaged with pursuing idea works such as All Things Being Equal, the fifty-two single rank and suit card deck project, and the Oil on canvas project. He taught film at the University of Regina in the 1980s and at the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, for many years.