Lital Marom
30" x 42"

Lital Marom
30" x 42"

Lital Marom

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Lital worked as a street style photographer for H&M global for three years (2011–13) and for the agency Bon in Stockholm, shooting for a variety of major high street Swedish brands. She has photographed commercial campaigns for brands such as Furla, Lee jeans, and Wrangler, developing a distinct approach and look not only in fashion photography but in the realms of artistic portraits, art, and nudes.

Marom has been commissioned by a variety of European newspapers to shoot editorials of creative people and is currently working on a book for release in 2017 that will document makers and their imagination-rich spaces, exploring what we can all do to expand our sense of possibility.

She believes photography is a medium for constant inspiration. It is a means to capture the most private aspects of the human experience, but also to co-create a broad and highly public view of tomorrow’s better world. In photographs, we archive our hope. We examine the struggles and the emotions—the humanity—of the present and past to get clues for the future.

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