Lys Divine Ndemeye

Lys Divine Ndemeye is an artist, designer, public speaker and educator (adjunct professor at UBC School of Architecture and Landscape Architecture) with ancestral roots from Burundi. She holds a Masters in Landscape Architecture and a Bachelors in Political Science and Human Geography. Divine was the recipient of the 2020 Olmsted Scholar Award; the premier leadership recognition program for landscape Architecture students in the U.S and Canada. She is also a recipient of the British Columbia Society of Landscape Architects President’s Award (2022).

Divine’s practice engages in critical discourses and explorations of decolonized design paradigms which centre and uplift underrepresented communities. Divine uses Afrofuturism as an operational lens in her work; using creative wisdom from Africa and around the world for speculation towards social change. Her spatial design practice is centered around carving spaces that express and amplify BIPOC communities.

Divine is the co-founder of the Black+Indigenous Design Collective; a social enterprise working to build the capacity of Black and Indigenous Youth in the spatial design fields, and working to increase the visibility and agency of Black and Indigenous communities in urban spaces. She is also the creator, host and producer of the Design Unmuted podcast, a platform that elevates marginalized voices in design, art and all things creative.

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