Rebekah Ho
16 Cranes
Film photography
11" x 17''

Rebekah Ho
Tokyo, Parting
Film photography
11" x 17"

Rebekah Ho
Steps in Seoul
Film photography
11" x 17"

Rebekah Ho
16 Cranes
Film photography
11" x 17''

Rebekah Ho
Tokyo, Parting
Film photography
11" x 17"

Rebekah Ho
Steps in Seoul
Film photography
11" x 17"


Rebekah Ho

Rebekah Ho is a Chinese Canadian photographer and writer currently residing in Hong Kong. She is inspired by things that refuse to be left behind—distant memories, found objects, and slow farewells. Though her works often focuses on the past, they always convey a sense of hope for the future.

Capture Photography Festival Participation

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