untitled, 2013
From The Forest Gave Us The City
13.3 x 8.9 in.
Digital scan from print-negative film

untitled, 2013
From The Forest Gave Us The City
13.3 x 8.9 in.
Digital scan from print-negative film

Tristan Casey

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Tristan Casey is a self-taught photographer working with film as a preferred format. Born in Vancouver, he started travelling from seventeen years old, constantly searching for a place outside of Canada to start again as a new home. At twenty-five, he returned to give his home city a chance at its right, only to discover in a matter of days that all of his wanderlust could be obtained in his own backyard.

Casey continues his work to present Canada as a hidden summerland. Using coastal British Columbia’s hidden beaches, driftwood homes, and native islanders to tell a story that is equal parts fact and fantasy to show a beach world that is Canada’s own.

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