We heard your feedback for a more focused festival, and so Capture’s Exhibition Program is returning to its previous model. Staring in 2019, all exhibitions will be evaluated by a jury made up of arts professionals and artists.
In addition to determining which exhibitions to include in the Selected Exhibition Program, the jury will also choose a small number to include in the Featured Exhibition Program. As such, application to the Featured Exhibition Program is not direct, but rather an extension of the Selected Exhibition application process.
The non-juried Open Exhibition Program will no longer be running.
Capture will continue to accept submissions for exhibitions in unconventional spaces and of any length (as long as they run for at least one day during the Festival dates in April).
For 2019, Capture will also move to an external submission platform, Submittable. Applicants will be able to create a Submittable account that allows them to track their submission and also request to make changes directly to submitted material.
We look forward to seeing your submissions to Capture’s 2019 Exhibition Program!
Image: The Blue Hour, Capture 2018 Feature Exhibition, Contemporary Art Gallery. Photo: Four Eyes Portraits