Moss Tree, Kathy Kinakin, 2021

Moss Tree, Kathy Kinakin, 2021

Photo Walk

Beau Photo Supplies: Closer

During these last two years, we have become very familiar with our immediate surroundings, and with having to stay put and make our circle of contacts smaller. This has prompted many of us to think deeply about what’s important, and what and who we’d like to keep close. It’s also given us time to look more closely at our surroundings and appreciate the details.

Join us for a photo walk and investigate the details around you. Try lenses from the rental department, or a roll of ILFORD film. We will walk from Beau as a group and observe our surroundings, photographing the details that interest us.

Each photographer will have one image selected for printing on ILFORD Galerie paper that will be displayed in an exhibition at the Beau Photo gallery space from April 24 to May 28, 2022.

*Registration is required. Registration will be open March 18th until April 1st.

Visit for more information.

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