
Film Screening | The Motion of the Image

$10 – $14
Tickets HERE

What images do we watch and produce – and in return watch and monitor us? Does the overproduction and consumption of images affect the way we experience and understand our surroundings? Why do images continue to haunt us and increasingly threaten the world we inhabit? Are we joint partners in this image spectacle? These are some of the questions explored by participating artists in the production workshop “The Motion of the Image” led by filmmaker Ghassan Salhab at the 2021 Cairo Video Festival. Mena El Shazly presents the six experimental videos that resulted.

In Arabic, Armenian, and French with English subtitles

Mena El Shazly is a visual and video artist currently based in Vancouver and the artistic director of the Cairo Video Festival (, a project of the artist collective Medrar for Contemporary Art (

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