Hayley Lohn, Ira, from the Digital Skins series (diptych), 2021, inkjet prints, 22.5 x 34 cm each. Courtesy of the Artist.

Hayley Lohn, Val from the Digital Skins series, 2021, inkjet prints, 22.5 x 34 cm each. Courtesy of the Artist.

Hayley Lohn,Amir, from the Digital Skins, series (diptych), 2021, inkjet prints, 22 x 46.5 cm each. Courtesy of the Artist.

Hayley Lohn, Ira, from the Digital Skins series (diptych), 2021, inkjet prints, 22.5 x 34 cm each. Courtesy of the Artist.

Hayley Lohn, Val from the Digital Skins series, 2021, inkjet prints, 22.5 x 34 cm each. Courtesy of the Artist.

Hayley Lohn,Amir, from the Digital Skins, series (diptych), 2021, inkjet prints, 22 x 46.5 cm each. Courtesy of the Artist.


Digital Skins

Digital Skins explores the way our identities shift both through digital algorithms and traditional photography. Generation Z and Millennials are the first generations to be born into an era of social media and big data. They have had the opportunity to explore different selves online, beyond their physical bodies and gender expressions. 

Digital Skins explores these ideas using diptychs with portraits of Generation Z and Millennials. Each diptych portrays both the physical and digital space of an individual: one photo is a traditional portrait taken in the subject’s home, while the other is a portrait of the individual’s public data created from an algorithm that arranges all of the person’s social media images into one composite grid, like a digital skin. Using the subject’s visual data in combination with their traditional portrait, Digital Skins aims to reveal the individual by merging the real and digital worlds.

Please note: this exhibition is not wheelchair accessible.

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