Dan Jackson
Global Finch
Archival pigment print
24" x 36"

Dan Jackson
Diamond Finch No. 3
Archival pigment print
12" x 12"

Dan Jackson
9 Finches
Archival pigment print
24" x 24"

Dan Jackson
Global Finch
Archival pigment print
24" x 36"

Dan Jackson
Diamond Finch No. 3
Archival pigment print
12" x 12"

Dan Jackson
9 Finches
Archival pigment print
24" x 24"


Space in Bird

Dan Jackson‘s ninth solo exhibition offers a frank and humorous look at the role photography plays in abstract art. After observing the behaviour of finches, Jackson began to explore how colours interact, swoop, and flit about in the same manner. This personal project became an exploration of how photographers use colour and abstraction and whether or not a subject is integral to the medium. Space In Bird is presented alongside journal entries that shed light on the process, inner turmoil, and self-doubt of an artist revelling in colour while confronting what makes a photograph a photograph.

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