Hank Bull
Photographic lightjet print
31.5" x 39.4"
Courtesy of Franc Gallery

Hank Bull
Photographic lightjet print
31.5" x 39.4"
Courtesy of Franc Gallery

Hank Bull
Photographic lightjet print
31.5" x 39.4"
Courtesy of Franc Gallery

Hank Bull
Photographic lightjet print
31.5" x 39.4"
Courtesy of Franc Gallery

Hank Bull
Photographic lightjet print
31.5" x 39.4"
Courtesy of Franc Gallery

Hank Bull
Photographic lightjet print
31.5" x 39.4"
Courtesy of Franc Gallery


Spontaneous Combustion


Gallery Hours

W–Su: 12–5 pm (during exhibition only); M&Tu: closed

Spontaneous Combustion presents an open studio exhibition of new works in the artist’s Box series, which explores the potential of the empty box to hold myriad ideas about existence, transformation, and the world at large. The works span photographs, paintings, shadow projections, and mobiles.

Please note correction of exhibition dates.

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