Edward Brilliant, #04 from the How the birds fly series, 2022, archival inkjet print, 60.96 x 76.2 cm. Courtesy of the Artist.

James Vincent, The Exhale, 2021, inkjet print. Courtesy of the Artist.

Khim Hipol, Noon, Ngayon at Bukas (Past, Present and Future), 2020, digital scan from vintage photographs, archival inkjet print, 45.72 cm x 60.96 cm, Courtesy of the Artist

Edward Brilliant, #04 from the How the birds fly series, 2022, archival inkjet print, 60.96 x 76.2 cm. Courtesy of the Artist.

James Vincent, The Exhale, 2021, inkjet print. Courtesy of the Artist.

Khim Hipol, Noon, Ngayon at Bukas (Past, Present and Future), 2020, digital scan from vintage photographs, archival inkjet print, 45.72 cm x 60.96 cm, Courtesy of the Artist


Faculty Gallery, 1st Floor, Emily Carr University of Art + Design

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