Unsweetened (Home sweet Home)
Alice Grassi
Colors photographs on metal paper (Part of multimedia work | Photo | Video | Photo Art-book)
27 x 40 cm
Courtesy of KoobookArchive

Unsweetened (Home sweet Home)
Alice Grassi
Colors photographs on metal paper (Part of multimedia work | Photo | Video | Photo Art-book)
27 x 40 cm
Courtesy of KoobookArchive

Nana Home Gallery

Nana Home Gallery is a home turned into an art space, a non conventional place where one can live art within the domestic walls. Its mission is for the audience to feel open to dialogue and experimentation, to merge the lines between host and guest. As an independent and non-profit space, Nana invites people to live its domestic space in a dynamic and proactive way.

Note: gallery hours are subject to change; please call to verify hours before visiting.

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