Nadia Belerique, In the Belly of a Cat, 2018. Photo courtesy of Nelson Mouëllic

Nadia Belerique
In the Belly of a Cat

Nadia Belerique, In the Belly of a Cat, 2018. Photo courtesy of Nelson Mouëllic

Nadia Belerique
In the Belly of a Cat


In the Belly of a Cat

For the fourth annual BC Hydro Dal Grauer Substation Public Art Project, Capture commissioned Toronto artist Nadia Belerique to created a photo-based work that engages with the site of the Dal Grauer Substation. The resulting work, In the Belly of a Cat, uses the building’s defining glass façade to play with the poetics of perception and question how images perform in contemporary culture.

Click to download Sky Goodden’s essay “Between the Artist, the Subject, and Their Sky” (PDF) on Nadia Belerique’s work.

Completed in 1954, the BC Hydro’s Dal Grauer Substation was designed by the young architect Ned Pratt and artist B. C. Binning. The building was commissioned by the B.C. Electric Company, under the helm of then-president Edward Albert “Dal” Grauer, to bridge functional design and public art. The substation would go on to serve as a three-dimensional “canvas” that was said to resemble a Piet Mondrian or De Stijl painting.

The modernist philosophy with which the building was designed emphasizes the link between art, architecture, and everyday life. With this in mind, Capture Photography Festival has commissioned artists annually to create new site-specific works to be adhered to the Dal Grauer Substation’s facade. Drawing on the building’s originality, these projects temporarily emphasize the building in the streetscape and reassert it as an architectural icon.

Presented in partnership with
Downtown Vancouver Business Improvement Association

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