David Ostrem
Men Against Bad Art
photo-collage, A/P
33.0 x 42.8 cm
Courtesy of the artist, Photo: Blaine Campbell

David Ostrem
Art, Dance, Sorcery, I Can Never Tell the Difference
photo-collage, A/P
33.0 x 42.5 cm
Courtesy of the artist, Photo: Blaine Campbell

David Ostrem
Why Won't You Be Art?
photo-collage, A/P
33.0 x 42.5 cm
Courtesy of the artist, Photo: Blaine Campbell

David Ostrem
Men Against Bad Art
photo-collage, A/P
33.0 x 42.8 cm
Courtesy of the artist, Photo: Blaine Campbell

David Ostrem
Art, Dance, Sorcery, I Can Never Tell the Difference
photo-collage, A/P
33.0 x 42.5 cm
Courtesy of the artist, Photo: Blaine Campbell

David Ostrem
Why Won't You Be Art?
photo-collage, A/P
33.0 x 42.5 cm
Courtesy of the artist, Photo: Blaine Campbell


David Ostrem

David Ostrem was born in Portland, Oregon, in 1945 and emigrated to Canada in 1969. In 1974, he enrolled at the Vancouver School of Art, specializing in photography. His work often juxtaposes photo-based graphics from newspapers, magazines, 1940s comic books, art history texts, drafting tools, jazz records, old photos, and painting guides for amateurs. Ostrem lives and works in Vancouver.

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