David Ostrem
Art, Dance, Sorcery, I Can Never Tell the Difference
photo-collage, A/P
33.0 x 42.5 cm
Courtesy of the artist, Photo: Blaine Campbell

David Ostrem
Men Against Bad Art
photo-collage, A/P
33.0 x 42.8 cm
Courtesy of the artist, Photo: Blaine Campbell

David Ostrem
Why Won't You Be Art?
photo-collage, A/P
33.0 x 42.5 cm
Courtesy of the artist, Photo: Blaine Campbell

David Ostrem
Art, Dance, Sorcery, I Can Never Tell the Difference
photo-collage, A/P
33.0 x 42.5 cm
Courtesy of the artist, Photo: Blaine Campbell

David Ostrem
Men Against Bad Art
photo-collage, A/P
33.0 x 42.8 cm
Courtesy of the artist, Photo: Blaine Campbell

David Ostrem
Why Won't You Be Art?
photo-collage, A/P
33.0 x 42.5 cm
Courtesy of the artist, Photo: Blaine Campbell


Why Won’t You Be Art?


Gallery Hours

Tu–F: 10 am–4:30 pm; Sa&Su: 12–5 pm; M: closed

Roger Corman’s dark comedy A Bucket of Blood (1959) follows a beatnik who struggles in vain to become an artist. In one scene, he claws at a clay sculpture, yelling, “Be a nose! Be a nose!” This exhibition features fifty recent photo-collage based works by Vancouver artist David Ostrem, who incorporates art history, literature, and pop culture into incisive statements and questions about art, human perception, emotion, and meaning.

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