Kenneth Gillespie
San Xavier del Bac

Kenneth Gillespie
Steveston Cattails

Kenneth Gillespie
Piling Patterns

Kenneth Gillespie
Red Creek

Kenneth Gillespie
Spooky Tree

Kenneth Gillespie
San Xavier del Bac

Kenneth Gillespie
Steveston Cattails

Kenneth Gillespie
Piling Patterns

Kenneth Gillespie
Red Creek

Kenneth Gillespie
Spooky Tree


Kenneth Gillespie

Kenneth Gillespie has a lifetime of experience behind the lens of a camera. He has become increasingly fascinated by the options of digital photography. His works are an investigation into representations of (seemingly) concrete images. By exploring the concept of landscape, Gillespie, with the help of physics and technology, enables the viewer to see his interpretation of the world. The hidden meaning of his work is the landscape as most view it and how it is imagined by Gillespie.

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