Khan Lee, Movement, 2015
Watercolour, modified clock movement, 12” x 27” x 3.5”
Courtesy of the artist

Khan Lee, Lotus and Beyond, 2015
Courtesy of the artist

Khan Lee, Movement, 2015
Watercolour, modified clock movement, 12” x 27” x 3.5”
Courtesy of the artist

Khan Lee, Lotus and Beyond, 2015
Courtesy of the artist


Khan Lee

Khan Lee was born in Seoul, Korea. He studied architecture at Hong-Ik University, before immigrating to Canada to study Fine Art at Emily Carr Institute of Art + Design. Through sculptural and media practices, his work attempts to exhibit results of experimentation with form and process in order to express inherent relationships between material and immaterial content. He is a founding member of the Vancouver-based artist collective Intermission and is presently a member of the Instant Coffee artist collective. His work has been exhibited nationally and internationally. Lee lives and works in Vancouver.

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