Khan Lee, Lotus and Beyond, 2015
Courtesy of the artist

Khan Lee, Movement, 2015
Watercolour, modified clock movement, 12” x 27” x 3.5”
Courtesy of the artist

Khan Lee, Lotus and Beyond, 2015
Courtesy of the artist

Khan Lee, Movement, 2015
Watercolour, modified clock movement, 12” x 27” x 3.5”
Courtesy of the artist


Take Your Time

In Take Your Time, Khan Lee creates and unpacks various abstractions of time through a new series of sculptural and multimedia work.

All matter has the potential to be used  as a medium. In this exhibition the artist isolates the properties of various materials from their designated functions, proposing new meanings or purposes for these items in the process. The artist’s careful observation of the shapes of various durational events culminates in a body of work that iterates his visual conception of the essence of time.

For Lee, time is a path that each individual builds on through his or her daily existence. Although each existence can have but a single point of view, an observation of the mass creates an ever-changing map of individuals and objects that are constantly morphing, passing, crossing, and colliding into each other. Simultaneously, it also contains parallel events that do not intersect and static moments that can change with imperceptible slowness.

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