Exhibition Dates
Danny Singer, Oxford Sky, 2014
Archival inkjet print, 43” x 79”
Danny Singer, Arcola, 2014
Archival inkjet print, 43" x 91”
Danny Singer, Delisle, 2014
Archival inkjet print, 43" x 76"
Danny Singer, Seamens, 2014
Archival inkjet print, 21" x 112"
Danny Singer, Shaunivon Sky, 2014
Archival inkjet print, 43" x 86"
Gallery Jones is pleased to announce the opening of 100th Meridian, an exhibition of new work by Danny Singer.
For the past decade, Danny Singer has been travelling and photographing habitations across the North American prairies and plains. His work exists as many things: a document of what is there, a subtly revealed history of lives lived, a testament to the ethic of progress that initiated these towns, and the modernization and urbanization that is draining them. All of these characteristics exist because of, and could not exist without, the aesthetic power of the object. Ranging in widths from seven feet to ten feet and heights from a foot-and-a-half to four, the photographs tell stories with themes as broad as the struggle of a human construction on an open plain to the parking habits of residents. Created from up to one hundred and fifty different photographs, there is a temporal element to Singer’s work that heightens the effectiveness of the storytelling. It is almost as if a screen door could swing open and close on the left of the frame before your eyes have a chance to make their way to the right.