Birthe Piontek, Mini Hyacinth, from the Janus series, 2021, archival inkjet print. Courtesy the Artist and Gallery Jones.
Birthe Piontek, Hyacinth from the series Janus, 2020, archival print, 40.64 x 50.8 cm. Courtesy of the Artist and Gallery Jones.
James Nizam
Drawing with Starlight (Apex)
light jet print
60" x 48"
Birthe Piontek
Mimesis Series #5
Archival inkjet print
20” x 20”
Danny Singer
Kerrobert Sky
Archival inkjet print
43” x 72”
Erin O’Keefe
Things as They Are #28
Archival inkjet print
20” x 16”
James Nizam, Railing / Totem
Archival inkjet print, 41” x 33”
Danny Singer, Oxford Sky, 2014
Archival inkjet print, 43” x 79”
Houses of Instagram, 1990
From Tilt Shift Rules
200 x 200 in.
Danny Singer, Buchanan, 2011
Archival inkjet print, 97" x 23"