Exhibition Dates
Jonah Samson, Clown
Cyanotype with wild blueberries and all natural household cleanser, 16” x 20”
Jonah Samson, 2015
Gold-toned Van dyke, cyanotype, cranberry and Atlantic sea salt, 21” x 28.5”
Jonah Samson, 2015
Cyanotype, lavender, black current, Atlantic sea salt, 38.5” x 31”
Jonah Samson, 2015
Gold-toned Van dyke, cyanotype, cranberry and Atlantic sea salt, 21” x 28.5”
Jonah Samson, 2015
Cyanotype, sumac, mountain ash berries, 22” x 32”
Jonah Samson, 2015
Six gold-toned Atlantic sea salt prints with lavender, 9.5” x 11”
Jonah Samson, 2015
Gold-toned Van Dyke print with kelp and Atlantic sea salt, 13” x 17.5”
Jonah Samson, 2015
Gold-toned Atlantic sea salt print with kelp, 13” x 17.5”
In Dream Distortion, Jonah Samson continues to explore the uncanny mysteries, the unsettling tensions, and the darkly humourous moments that blur the line between fiction and reality. Heavily influenced by absurdist theatre, the exhibition wholly embodies the act of hunting and gathering and is born from a vast knowledge of photographic history and an intense love of nature. With a keen eye for the peculiar, the artist diligently mined millions of vintage photographs on eBay for his personal collection, and transformed them using historical photographic practices and natural dyes he made from the plants growing on his property on Cape Breton Island. The works embrace that alchemy of nature, understood by the first photographic practitioners like William Henry Fox Talbot. Salt from the Atlantic Ocean combines with sumac, lavender, maple leaves, and photosensitive chemicals to create dreamlike images in the sun. The effect is an exploration of photographic history, interwoven with the conflicting peace and anxiety that comes from living in a remote location. This is a dreamscape that oscillates between an intangible memory and a looming fear, and represents the artist’s belief that the perfect picture is one that combines the magical, the disturbing, and the absurd.