Jeffery Chong, Home Edition, 2022, digital print on vinyl, 1310.64 x 975.36 cm. Courtesy of the Artist.

Jeffery Chong, Home Edition, 2022, digital print on vinyl, 1310.64 x 975.36 cm. Courtesy of the Artist.

Jeffery Chong, Home Edition, 2022, digital print on vinyl, 1310.64 x 975.36 cm. Courtesy of the Artist.

Jeffery Chong, Home Edition, 2022, digital print on vinyl, 1310.64 x 975.36 cm. Courtesy of the Artist.


Home Edition

Home Edition shows the living room of Jeffery Chong’s grandparents, staged as it was on July 2, 1964, when his grandfather Ging Chong appeared on CBC’s newscast “Home Edition.” Earlier that day, Ging had witnessed a crime at the hotel where he worked. When the news crew arrived to cover the story, Ging was filmed for several seconds. The family did not watch the news that evening, nor did they know that such footage existed. After the broadcast, the newsreel remained undiscovered in CBC’s storage until Jeffery visited its archives decades later.

Jeffery’s artistic practice involves researching family history, tracking down documentation to fill gaps in public records, and learning stories never before shared by a silent generation. Inspired by the discovery of this newsreel and the setting in which it would have been viewed, Jeffery studied photo albums and interviewed family members to redecorate, and capture in large format, his grandparents’ living room as it appeared in 1964 and to learn about Ging, who died before Jeffery was born.

In the CBC Plaza where The Wall is located, Home Edition depicts Ging in the public eye on television. In contrast, the surrounding decor portrays his family’s private life. The provenance of these household items exemplifies Ging’s frugality. The furniture placement is focused on how the family planned time together around the television. The television is on, but nobody is watching, symbolizing this almost-forgotten newsreel and how the past can fade away if not recorded. 

This exhibition is on view from October 29, 2022 – April 27, 2024.

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