Exhibition Dates
Owen Kydd
Three Houses
Adhesive pigmented print with video on UHD display
Courtesy of the artist and Monte Clark Gallery
Tu–Sa: 10 am–5:30 pm; Su&M: closed
Known for skirting expectations of the moving image and digital art, Owen Kydd‘s new exhibition showcases a selection of atemporal videos, works that are time-based but separated from a continuous flow of time through editing and montage. These composite pieces incorporate durational documentary images with computer-based layers and animations and are displayed on video screens installed over pigmented mural prints.
The title Mountain Lakes is a nod to the type of majestic names often given to the ubiquitous stucco clad suburbs of Southern California, developments usually created in stark opposition to their natural geographies. Kydd’s images are taken from these types of mid-century suburbs—desert succulents, concrete driveways, tessellated tiles, fences, and solitary figures in cars—creating an ironic dissonance between the narrative of the works and their romanticized titles, which are borrowed from nineteenth-century landscape paintings and drawings at the Huntington Library in Pasadena.