Maria Steernberg
Sailing Nationals, Squamish BC
Print on metal
30" x 24"
Courtesy of the artist
Maria Steernberg
Sunset at Port Browning, Pender Harbour
Print on metal
30" x 24"
Courtesy of the artist
Maria Steernberg
View from Bosun's Chair
Print on metal
30" x 24"
Courtesy of the artist
Sea Snaps
F–W: 10 am–5 pm; Th: 10 am–8 pm
Sea Snaps has been a fixture of marine photography in Vancouver and British Columbia for the last thirty-five years, working for private individuals and marine publications. Maria Steernberg has made her mark on the marine industry through her unique use of a medium-format camera and her uncompromising standards. Sea Snaps highlights the beauty of Vancouver’s maritime setting through a series of themes: the working waterfront, cruising, racing, nature, and disaster.