Mike Bourscheid
You inherited that from your father! A family portrait
Analogue C-print mounted on Plexiglas, vinyl
30” x 35”

Mike Bourscheid
You inherited that from your father! A family portrait
Analogue C-print mounted on Plexiglas, vinyl
30” x 35”

You inherited that from your father! We dance our name

Where lies the relationship between photography, performance, and object?

In Mike Bourscheid’s solo exhibition, You inherited that from your father! We dance our name, Gallery 295 becomes the site for a large-scale sculpture surrounded with three photographs of the artist dressed as a ballet dancer. The sculpture, a large slanted glass object, has plush phallic objects of varying skin-tone hues intersecting it, and Bourscheid’s self-portraits with these objects act as stand-ins for a performance and performer in place of the artist. Within the gallery setting, the artist sets a stage for a correspondence between cultural history, masculinity, fables, and the performed body. The conversation between these works sets the stage for a candid arrangement of circumstances, all of which are emphasized by Bourscheid’s choreographed poses for the camera.

The flesh tones of the phallic, stuffed objects are mirrored in the photographic mount, where the analogue prints are bordered by brown and pink lace, while their installation against the wall mirrors the lean of Bourscheid’s large sculpture. This arrangement further re-emphasizes the blurred distinction between the ability of photography to stand in place of the performance itself and the reliance of an observer. The resulting images trigger the shutter release by the weight of his body; the photographic space bleeds into the sculptural installation and allows for a permeation of a performed body.

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