Mike Bourscheid
You inherited that from your father! A family portrait
Analogue C-print mounted on Plexiglas, vinyl
30” x 35”

Birthe Piontek, Smoke, 2013
8” x 10”
Courtesy of the artist.

Isaac Thomas, Sara’s Bat Mitzvah, 2015
Duratran, 4’ x 6’

Untitled, 2001
From Not Safe to Occupy
16 x 20 in.

Mike Bourscheid
You inherited that from your father! A family portrait
Analogue C-print mounted on Plexiglas, vinyl
30” x 35”

Birthe Piontek, Smoke, 2013
8” x 10”
Courtesy of the artist.

Isaac Thomas, Sara’s Bat Mitzvah, 2015
Duratran, 4’ x 6’

Untitled, 2001
From Not Safe to Occupy
16 x 20 in.


Gallery 295

Gallery 295 is a volunteer artist-run space that is committed to providing means and facilities to support the finished production of photographic works and practices. The gallery’s mandate is to engage with contemporary photographic dialogues, focusing on emerging artists and emerging photographic practices. Through its association with The Lab, Gallery 295 is able to provide much needed access to photographic developing, printing, and finishing facilities in Vancouver, allowing emerging artists the means to complete and exhibit their projects.

Note: gallery hours are subject to change, please call to verify hours before visiting

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