Lindsay McIntyre, Haunting Her, 2020, inkjet print, 28.57 x 15.71 cm, Courtesy of the Artist

Lindsay McIntyre, Her Silent Life (film still), 2012, 16mm film. Courtesy of the artist.

Lindsay McIntyre, Haunting Her, 2020, inkjet print, 28.57 x 15.71 cm, Courtesy of the Artist

Lindsay McIntyre, Her Silent Life (film still), 2012, 16mm film. Courtesy of the artist.


Marion Scott Gallery

Now in its 42nd year of operation, the Marion Scott Gallery has a long history of showcasing the best of contemporary art from the Canadian North. Specializing in both new and historical expressions from the Arctic in a range of media, the Gallery is committed to positioning the work of Canada’s Inuit artists within a national and international contemporary artistic framework. We work closely with a select group of contemporary artists from Cape Dorset, Baker Lake and other northern communities, presenting their work in both solo and thematic exhibitions with the aim of bringing their unique visions and dynamic sensibilities to the public’s attention.

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