Exhibition Dates
So often we isolate the process from the medium, limiting our observation to a selected fragment of the whole. What if the medium and the process became interchangeable? Like a memory, the photographic print is just one part of the collective sum. Where, then, do we store this archive of existence? Our lived experiences can be recollected through immaterial impressions. The senses have the capability of producing visceral experiences by recalling a lived moment. What was once experienced through the tangibility of the present now lays dormant; a desire for what once was. But where do we locate this space of impressions, this gap of fleeting memories, this haunting space of dreams? We are the active vessels for the latent past—a past that can feel the remembering. While awake, we are an unfolding compilation of memory’s continuum.
This exhibition is an exploration of the architecture and processes of the darkroom, and how they bring to light the vulnerability of a developing photograph and the parallels it draws to the human condition. The memories we compose, bring to life, and recall are found in an intangible space.